Monday, 2 February 2015

Excerpt on lawfulness of perishing by one's own hand in battle, from al-Kasani's Bada'i' al-Sana'i'

Bada'i' al-Sana'i' fi Tartib al-Shara'i' / al-Kasani
Section: As for an explanation of the one on whom the obligation falls, we say that it only falls on the one who is able to do it; whoever lacks the ability is not obliged to perform jihad. This is because jihad is exerting effort, which is to have the capacity and power to fight, or supporting the fight. How can the one who lacks the capacity exert that capacity [through] action? So the blind, the cripple, the chronically ill, the paralysed, the frail old man, the sick, the feeble, and the one who has no means of provision, God Most Glorified has said (Q. 24:61): {There is no accusation against the blind...} to the end of the verse. He Most Exalted and Glorified has said (Q. 9:91): {There is no accusation against the feeble, nor on the sick, nor on those who find no means of provision, if they remain true to God and His Messenger.} So long as they remain true to God and His Messenger, God Majestuous in His rank excuses those who remain back from jihad, and acquits them of all accusation. Nor is jihad an obligation on children and women, since their intention is usually not towards war. Based on this, the [Muslim] fighters, if a force of idolaters whom they cannot withstand comes upon them, and they fear lest they be killed, there is no harm in their retreating to a Muslim city or to some other army. The ruling in such cases lies with the weight of opinion. The best estimate is based on numbers. If the fighters gauge that they can resist the [enemy], then they must stand firm. If, however, they are fewer in number, and they gauge that they may be defeated, there is no harm in their retreating to the [main body of] Muslims in order to seek their help. And if they outnumber the disbelievers but, for example, one of the [Muslim] fighters has no weapon against disbelievers who have one weapon between two, or one to one, but the disbeliever is armed, then there is no harm in his turning back and rejoin another troop, the principle behind this being (Q. 8:16): {and whoever on that day turns his back except to re-enter the fray elsewhere, or to rejoin another troop, then he merits the wrath of God, and his final abode will be Hell, a woeful end.} God Glorious in His rank forbade the believers from turning their backs as a general rule by His Blessed and Exalted saying (Q. 8:15): {O you who believe, if you meet those who disbelieve marching on you, do not turn your backs.} and He threatened them with His Glorious and Exalted saying (Q. 8:16): {and whoever on that day turns his back except to re-enter the fray elsewhere, or to rejoin another troop, then he merits the wrath of God...} to the end of the verse. This is because the sense of the statement contains a proposition and a consequence, but God – blessed and exalted – knows best (Q. 8:15-16): {O you who believe, if you meet those who disbelieve marching on you, do not turn your backs; * and whoever on that day turns his back except to re-enter the fray elsewhere, or to rejoin another group, then he merits the wrath of God.} Then He – blessed and exalted – made an exception of those who turn their backs for a particular purpose (Q. 8:16): {except to re-enter the fray elsewhere, or to rejoin another troop}.
بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع للكاساني
فصل: وأما بيان من يفترض عليه فنقول إنه لا يفترض إلا على القادر عليه فمن لا قدرة له لا جهاد عليه؛ لأن الجهاد بذل الجهد، وهو الوسع والطاقة بالقتال، أو المبالغة في عمل القتال، ومن لا وسع له كيف يبذل الوسع والعمل، فلا يفرض على الأعمى والأعرج، والزمن والمقعد، والشيخ الهرم، والمريض والضعيف، والذي لا يجد ما ينفق، قال الله سبحانه وتعالى {ليس على الأعمى حرج} [النور: 61] الآية وقال سبحانه وتعالى عز من قائل {ليس على الضعفاء ولا على المرضى ولا على الذين لا يجدون ما ينفقون حرج إذا نصحوا لله ورسوله} [التوبة: 91] إذا نصحوا لله ورسوله فقد عذر الله جل شأنه هؤلاء بالتخلف عن الجهاد ورفع الحرج عنهم.
ولا جهاد على الصبي والمرأة؛ لأن بنيتهما لا تحتمل الحرب عادة، وعلى هذا الغزاة إذا جاءهم جمع من المشركين ما لا طاقة لهم به، وخافوهم أن يقتلوهم، فلا بأس لهم أن ينحازوا إلى بعض أمصار المسلمين أو إلى بعض جيوشهم، والحكم في هذا الباب لغالب الرأي، وأكبر الظن دون العدد، فإن غلب على ظن الغزاة أنهم يقاومونهم يلزمهم الثبات، وإن كانوا أقل عددا منهم، وإن كان غالب ظنهم أنهم يغلبون فلا بأس أن ينحازوا إلى المسلمين؛ ليستعينوا بهم، وإن كانوا أكثر عددا من الكفرة، وكذا الواحد من الغزاة ليس معه سلاح مع اثنين منهم معهما سلاح، أو مع واحد منهم من الكفرة ومعه سلاح، لا بأس أن يولي دبره متحيزا إلى فئة والأصل فيه: قوله تبارك وتعالى {ومن يولهم يومئذ دبره إلا متحرفا لقتال أو متحيزا إلى فئة فقد باء بغضب من الله ومأواه جهنم وبئس المصير} [الأنفال: 16] الله عز شأنه نهى المؤمنين عن تولية الأدبار عاما بقوله تبارك وتعالى {يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا لقيتم الذين كفروا زحفا فلا تولوهم الأدبار} [الأنفال: 15] وأوعد عليهم بقوله سبحانه وتعالى {ومن يولهم يومئذ دبره إلا متحرفا لقتال أو متحيزا إلى فئة فقد باء بغضب من الله} [الأنفال: 16] الآية؛ لأن في الكلام تقديما وتأخيرا معناه والله سبحانه وتعالى أعلم {يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا لقيتم الذين كفروا زحفا فلا تولوهم الأدبار} [الأنفال: 15] {ومن يولهم يومئذ دبره إلا متحرفا لقتال أو متحيزا إلى فئة فقد باء بغضب من الله} [الأنفال: 16] ثم استثنى سبحانه وتعالى ومن يولي دبره لجهة مخصوصة فقال عز من قائل {إلا متحرفا لقتال أو متحيزا إلى فئة} [الأنفال: 16]
Any exception from a prohibition constitutes a permission. What is prohibited is a particular type of turning away, namely turning one's back other than to re-enter the fray or to rejoin another troop. So, turning away in order to re-enter or rejoin [the fray] is excepted from the prohibition and is not [itself] prohibited. Analogous to this verse is His Exalted saying (Q. 16:106): {Whoever denies God after his having believed, except whoever is coerced while his heart secure in belief; but whoever opens his breast to disbelief, on them shall be the wrath of God, and theirs shall be a great torment.} This is based on a proposition and a consequence as, God willing, we will mention in the chapter on coercion. Thus it is evident that the noble verse has not been abrogated. Likewise His Exalted saying (Q. 7:65): {If there are among you twenty men of perseverance, they may defeat two hundred} and His saying {and if there are among you a hundred, they may defeat a thousand} is not abrogated, because turning away to rejoin another troop is specified thereby. Therefore the two verses were not abrogated – and God knows best. Proof thereof is [found] in his (PBUH) saying to those who fled to Medina, where he was: “You are [among] those who retreat; and I am the troop of every Muslim.” He (PBUH) [thereby] informed that rejoining a troop [constitutes] retreating and not fleeing from the on-coming [enemy], and so the threat [of torment] is not linked to it.
والاستثناء من الحظر إباحة، فكان المحظور تولية مخصوصة، وهي أن يولي دبره غير متحرف لقتال، ولا متحيز إلى فئة فبقيت التولية إلى جهة التحرف والتحيز مستثناة من الحظر، فلا تكون محظورة، ونظير هذه الآية قوله سبحانه وتعالى {من كفر بالله من بعد إيمانه إلا من أكره وقلبه مطمئن بالإيمان ولكن من شرح بالكفر صدرا فعليهم غضب من الله ولهم عذاب عظيم} [النحل: 106] إنه على التقديم والتأخير على ما نذكره في كتاب الإكراه إن شاء الله تعالى وبه تبين أن الآية الشريفة غير منسوخة، وكذا قوله سبحانه وتعالى {إن يكن منكم عشرون صابرون يغلبوا مائتين} [الأنفال: 65] وقوله {وإن يكن منكم مائة يغلبوا ألفا} [الأنفال: 65] ليس بمنسوخ؛ لأن التولية للتحيز إلى فئة خص فيها، فلم تكن الآيتان منسوختين، والله سبحانه وتعالى أعلم. والدليل عليه قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام للذين فروا إلى المدينة وهو فيها «أنتم الكرارون، أنا فئة كل مسلم» أخبر عليه الصلاة والسلام أن المتحيز إلى فئة كرار وليس بفرار من الزحف، فلا يلحقه الوعيد.
On this basis, if the invaders are in a ship which catches fire, and they fear they may drown, they should decide according to their best judgement and the most likely guess. If their best judgement is to throw themselves into the sea to be rescued by swimming, then they must [find] ways to swim and so rejoin another troop. [However,] if the odds on burning and drowning are even, meaning that if they remain they will burn while if they thrown themselves overboard they will drown then they may choose according to Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf – may God have mercy on them – whereas Muhammad – may God have mercy on him – says they are not allowed to throw themselves into the water.
وعلى هذا إذا كانت الغزاة في سفينة فاحترقت السفينة وخافوا الغرق، حكموا فيه غالب رأيهم، وأكبر ظنهم، فإن غلب على رأيهم أنهم لو طرحوا أنفسهم في البحر لينجوا بالسباحة، وجب عليهم الطرق ليسبحوا فيتحيزوا إلى فئة، وإن استوى جانبا الحرق والغرق، بأن كان إذا قاموا حرقوا، وإذا طرحوا غرقوا، فلهم الخيار عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما الله وقال محمد رحمه الله: لا يجوز لهم أن يطرحوا أنفسهم في الماء.
Reason [1]: He said that, if they threw themselves into the water they would perish, and if they stayed on board the ship they would perish also. However, if they throw themselves overboard they would perish by their own action whereas if they show patience they would die by the enemy's hand; moreover showing patience is closer to jihad, and so takes precedence.
وجه: قوله أنهم لو ألقوا أنفسهم في الماء لهلكوا، ولو أقاموا في السفينة لهلكوا أيضا، إلا أنهم لو طرحوا لهلكوا بفعل أنفسهم، ولو صبروا لهلكوا بفعل العدو، فكان الصبر أقرب إلى الجهاد، فكان أولى
Reason [2]: Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf said that the odds on perishing are even, therefore they have the choice because perishing by drowning is akin to what [Muhammad] said that, if they stand firm, they would perish by the enemy's hand. We say that if they throw themselves overboard they would perish by the enemy's hand also, as it is the enemy who drove them to it so, in both instances, perishing may be attributed to the enemy. Furthermore it may be that perishing by drowning is easier, so they have the choice. [Likewise] if a Muslim is run through by a spear, there is no problem with his walking towards whoever ran him through among the disbelievers in order for him to finish him off. That is because, by walking towards him, he intends to exert himself, to bring glory to Exalted God's religion, and to exhort the believers not to restrain themselves in fighting God's enemies. For that reason, it is permissible: and Exalted God knows best.
وجه: قولهما أنه استوى الجانبان في الإفضاء إلى الهلاك، فيثبت لهم الخيار؛ لجواز أن يكون الهلاك بالغرق أرفق قوله لو أقاموا لهلكوا بفعل العدو وقلنا ولو طرحوا لهلكوا بفعل العدو أيضا، إذ العدو هو الذي ألجأهم إليه، فكان الهلاك في الحالين مضافا إلى فعل العدو، ثم قد يكون الهلاك بالغرق أسهل فيثبت لهم الخيار، ولو طعن مسلم برمح فلا بأس بأن يمشي إلى من طعنه من الكفرة حتى يجهزه؛ لأنه يقصد بالمشي إليه بذل نفسه؛ لإعزاز دين الله سبحانه وتعالى وتحريض المؤمنين على أن لا يبخلوا بأنفسهم في قتال أعداء الله سبحانه وتعالى فكان جائزا والله سبحانه وتعالى أعلم.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Imam al-Qurtubi on Q. 4:59

al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Qur'an / al-Qurtubi
الجامع لأحكام القرآن لإمام القرطبي
(Q. 4:59): {O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority amongst you. Then if you disagree on anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you [truly] believe in God and the Last Day: that is best, and the better interpretation.} On this are three issues. First, because of what came in the preceding verse concerning governors, [that God] began with them and commanded them to return trusts and to rule justly amongst people, this verse starts with the governed, commanding them to obey Him (G) first of all, meaning following His commandments and avoiding His prohibitions; then, second, obeying His Messenger in what he commanded and forbade; then, third, obeying princes, agreed on by vast majority, including Abu Hurayrah, Ibn Abbas and others. Sahl ibn Abdallah al-Tustari said: “Obey the sultan in seven [matters]: minting dirhams and dinars; weights and measures; rulings; Hajj; Friday prayers; Eid prayers; and jihad.” Sahl [also] said: “If the sultan forbids a scholar from issuing fatwas, then he should not issue fatwas; and if he does issue fatwas then he is sinful, even if he be a tyrannical ruler.” Ibn Khuwayz Mandad said: “As for obeying the sultan, it is required within the scope of what is due to him, and is not required in what constitutes a sin to God.” Therefore we have said: “Obeying and assisting the rulers of our time, and holding them in honour, is not permitted: whereas it is required to join with them in battle, and to their words as rulings, the appointment of imams and regulatory authorities; and to do so in line with the Sharia. If they lead us in prayer, even though they may be corrupt in terms of sins, the prayer with them is permissible. However, if they are innovators in religion, praying behind them is not permitted except in cases of fear, in which case one should pray warily, and the prayer be repeated [in private].
{يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم، فإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر، ذلك خير وأحسن تأويلا} فيه ثلاث مسائل. الأولى: لما تقدم إلى الولاة في الآية المتقدمة وبدأ بهم فأمر هم بأداء الأمانات وأن يحكموا بين الناس بالعدل، تقدم في هذه الآية إلى الرعية فأمر بطاعته جل وعز أولا، وهي امتثال أوامره واجتناب نواهيه، ثم بطاعة رسوله ثانيا فيما أمر به ونهى عنه، ثم بطاعة الأمراء ثالثا على قول الجمهور وأبي هريرة وابن عباس وغيرهم. قال سهل بن عبد الله التستري: أطيعوا السلطان في سبعة: ضرب الدراهم والدنانير، والمكاييل والأوزان، والأحكام والحج والجمعة والعيدين والجهاد. قال سهل: وإذا نهى السلطانُ العالمَ أن يفتي فليس له أن يفتي، فإن أفتى فهو عاصٍ وإن كان أميرا جائرا. وقال ابن خويز منداد: وأما طاعة السلطان فتجب فيما كان له فيه طاعة، ولا تجب فيما كان لله معصية، ولذلك قلنا: إن ولاة زماننا لا تجوز طاعتهم ولا معاونتهم ولا تعظيمهم ويجب الغزو معهم متى غزوا والحكم من قولهم وتولية الإمامة والحسبة، وإقامة ذلك على وجه الشريعة. وإن صلوا بنا وكانوا فسقة من جهة المعاصي جازت الصلاة معهم، وإن كانوا مبتدعة لم تجز الصلاة معهم إلا أن يخافوا فيصلي معهم تقية وتعاد الصلاة.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

About this blog

"The declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad on Jews and Crusaders” of February 23rd 1998 may yet turn out to have been a dangerous and cynical hoax. However, if we assume that it is genuine, then we have to recognise that the leadership of Al-Qaeda has claimed that it is an absolute duty on each and every one of us to kill, and steal from, Americans and their allies, be they civilian or military, or indeed – as we have seen – Muslim or non-Muslim, whenever and wherever we are able to do so.

The authors of the Declaration want us, as Muslims, to accept their authority and to pledge our allegiance to them. However, we each of us know that there is much disagreement amongst Muslims as to whether what the fatwa states is Sharia-compliant or not. Therefore, before we can decide whether or not to accept their claim to authority over us, we must follow God's advice and refer the matter to the Qur'an and Sunnah (Q. 4:59): {O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority amongst you. Then if you disagree on anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day: that is best, and the better outcome.}

Fortunately, the authors of the Declaration itself mention four of the books which they relied on. So, in order to help you reach your own informed opinion on whether to accept the fatwa as orthodox Islamic teaching, or else to reject it as the work of dangerous and misguided extremists, this guide includes relevant, often lengthy, passages in Arabic and English from the works of the great scholars referred to in the Declaration. In addition, questions are provided to stimulate constructive debate amongst the brothers or sisters in your prison or wherever you may be.

This is an important text for Muslims today to understand. My prayer is that, by thinking deeply about it, we will not be losers, but among {... those who believe and do good deeds, and encourage each other with the Truth and encourage each other with patience} (Q. 103:3).

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Text of 1998 fatwa in Arabic

نص بيان الجبهة الإسلامية العالمية لجهاد اليهود والصليبيين
الحمد لله منزل الكتاب ومجري السحاب وهازم الأحزاب والقائل في محكم كتابه {فإذا انسلخ الأشهر الحرم فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم وخذوهم واحصروهم واقعدوا لهم كل مرصد} والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد بن عبد الله القائل "بعثت بالسيف بين يدي الساعة حتى يعبد الله وحده وجعل رزقي تحت ظل رمحي وجعل الذل والصغار على من خالف أمري." ـ
أما بعد
فمنذ أن دحى الله جزيرة العرب وخلق فيها صحراءها وحفها ببحارها لم تدهمها غاشية كهذه الجحافل الصليبية التي انتشرت فيها كالجراد تزحم أرضها وتأكل ثرواتها وتبيد خضراءها. كل ذلك في وقت تداعت فيه على المسلمين الأمم كما تداعت الأكلة إلى قصعتها، ويلزمنا حين عظم الخطب وقل الناصر أن نقف وإياكم على مكنون الأحداث الجارية كما يجب أن نتفق جميعا على فصل القضاء فيها. ـ
لا أحد يجادل اليوم في حقائق ثلاث تواترت عليها الشواهد وأطبق عليها المنصفون ونحن نذكرها ليتذكر من يتذكر وليهلك من هلك عن بينة ويحيا من حيا عن بينة وهي: ـ
أولا: منذ ما يربو عن سبع سنين وأمريكا تحتل أراضي الإسلام في أقدس بقاعها، جزيرة العرب، وتنهب خيراتها وتملي على حكامها وتذل أهلها وترعب جيرانها وتجعل من قواعدها في الجويرة رأس حربة تقاتل بها شعوب الإسلام المجاورة. ـ
وإذا كان في الماضي من جادل في حقيقة هذا الاحتلال فقد أطبق على الاعتراف به أهل الجزيرة جميعا
ولا أدل عليه من تمادي الأمريكان في العدوان ضد شعب العراق انطلاقا من الجزيرة، رغم أن حكامها جميعا يرفضون استخدام أرضهم لذلك، ولكن مغلوبون
ثانيا: رغم الدمار الكبير الذي حل بالشعب العراقي على يدي التحالف الصليبي اليهودي، ورغم العدد الفظيع من القتل الذي جاوز المليون، رغم كل ذبك يحاول الأمريكان مرة أخرى معاودة هذه المجازر المروعة وكأنهم لم يكتفوا بالحصار الكويل تعد الحرب العنيفة ولا بالتمزيق التدمير. ـ
ثالثا: وإذا كانت أهداف الأمريكان من هذه الحروب دينية واقتصادية فإنها كذلك تأتي لخدمة دويلة اليهود، ولصرف النظر عن احتلالها لبيت المقدس وقتلها للمسلمين فيه. ـ
ولا أدل على ذلك من حرصهم على تدمير العراق أقوى الدول العربية المجاورة، وسعيهم لتمزيق دول المنطقة جميعا كالعراق والسعودية ومصر والسودان إلى دويلات ورقية تضمن بفرقتها وضعفها بقاء إسرائيل واستمرار الاحتلال الصليبي الغاشم لأرض الجزيرة. ـ
إن كل تلك الجرائم والبوائق هي من الأمريكان إعلان صريح للحرب على الله ورسوله وعلى المسلمين، وقد أجمع العلماء سلفا وخلفا عبر جميع العصور الإسلامية على أن الجهاد فرض عين إذا هدم العدو بلاد المسلمين وممن نقل ذلك الإمام ابن قدامة في "المغني" والكساني [كذا] في "البدائع" والقرطبي في تفسيره وشيخ الإسلام في اختباراته حيث قال "أما قتال الدفع فهو أشد أنواع دفع الصائل عم الحرمة والدين واجب إجماعا. فالعدو الصائل الذي يفسد الدين والدنيا لاشيء أوجب بعد الإيمان من دفعه." ـ
ونحن بناء على ذلك وامتثالا لأمر الله نفتي جميع المسلمين بالحكم التالي: ـ
أن حكم قتل الأمريكان وحلفائهم مدنيين وعسكريين فرض عين على كل مسلم أمكنه ذلك في كل بلد تيسر فيه. وذلك حتى يتحرر المسجد الأقصى والمسجد الحرام من قبضتهم، وحتى نخرج جيوشهم عن كم أرض الإسلام مثلولة الحد كسيرة الجناح عاجزة عن تهديد أي مسلم امتثالا بقوله تعالى {وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة} وقوله تعالى {وقاتلوهم حتى لا تكون فتنة ويكون الدين لله}. ـ
وقوله تعالى {وما لكم لا تقاتلون في سبيل الله والمستضعفين من [الرجال و]النساء والولدان الذين يقولون ربنا أخرجنا من هذه القرية الظالم أهلها واجعل لنا من لدنك وليا واجعل لنا من لدنك نصيرا}. ـ
إننا بإذن الله ندعو كل مسلم يؤمن لالله ويرغب في ثواب إلى امتثال أمر الله بقتل الأمريكان ونهب أموالهم في أي مكان وجدهم فيه، وفي كل وقت أمكنه ذلك، كما ندعو علماء المسلمين وقادتهم وشبابهم وجنودهم إلى شن الغارة على جنود إبليس الأمريكان، ومن تحالف معهم من أعوان الشيطان. ـ
وإن يشردوا بهم من خلفهم لعلهم يذكرون. ـ
وقوله تعالى {يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قيل لكم انفروا في سبيل الله أثاقلتم إلى الأرض. أرضيتم بالحياة الدنيا من الآخرة فما متاع الحياة الدنيا في الآخرة إلا قليل. إلا تنفروا يعذبكم عذابا أليما ويستبدل قوما غيركم ولا تضروه شيئا. والله على كل شيء قدير}.ـ
وقال الله تعالى {ولا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا وأتنم الأعلون إن كنتم مؤمنين}. ـ

Text of 1998 fatwa in English

Text of the Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad on Jews and Crusaders

Praise be to God, Who sent down the Book, propels the clouds, and routs the [enemy] crowds, and Who said among the clear-cut [verses] of His Book (Q. 9:5): {Then, when the sacred months have past, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, seize them, surround them, lay in wait in every place of ambush}. And blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, who said: "I was sent with a sword before the [Final] Hour, so that God alone would be worshipped. My provision was set under the shadow of my spear, and disgrace and belittlement was set out for whoever goes against my command."
To continue, since God spread out the Arabian Peninsula, and created therein its desert and surrounded it by its seas, it has never been overtaken by a disaster like these Crusader hordes, which have spread through it like locusts, smothering its land, devouring its wealth, and wiping out its vegetation. All that is happening at a time when nations are urging each other on against the Muslims, as the starving fight over a bowl of food. So a moment of great calling is upon us. To survive, we must all, you and us, consider what is behind current events and agree on the best way forward.
No one today disputes three facts, which have been repeated over and over again, and which all fair-minded people agree on. We mention them [here] so that whoever wishes to remember does remember; and so that whoever is to be destroyed is destroyed on the basis of evidence; and so that whoever is ashamed of the evidence remains ashamed. These [facts] are:
First, since they sprang up seven years ago, America is occupying Muslim lands in Jerusalem and its surrounding region and in the Arabian Peninsula, plundering the goodness therein, dictating to its rulers, belittling its people, terrifying its neighbours; and, in its bases within the Arabian Peninsula, it is building a military capability with which to attack the neighbouring Islamic peoples.
If there were those who argued against the reality of this occupation in the past, now all the people of the Peninsula have been forced to acknowledge it. What could be more obvious than the non-stop American hostility against the people of Iraq, launched from the Arabian Peninsula despite the fact that its rulers collectively were against the use of their land for that [purpose]? Yet they were overruled [by the USA].
Second, despite the massive destruction unleashed on the Iraqi people at the hands of the Jewish-Crusader alliance, and despite the appalling number of dead, exceeding one million, despite all that, the Americans are trying to resume these horrific massacres. It is as though they were not satisfied with the long siege after the violent war, nor with division and destruction. So they come today to wipe out what is left of this people and to belittle their Muslim neighbours.
Third, whereas the Americans' aims in these wars are religious and economic, they also serve the little Jewish state, not to mention the occupation of Jerusalem and killing the Muslims there.
Nothing could be clearer than its obsession with destroying Iraq, the strongest of the neighbouring Arab states, and their efforts in dividing all the states of the region, such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Sudan, into little paper mini-states, thus guaranteeing by their  partition and weakness the survival of Israel and the continuing tyrannical Crusader occupation of the Peninsula.
Given that all these crimes and evils represent a declaration of war the Americans against God and His Messenger, and on the Muslims, and given that the scholars among the predecessors and the successors across all Islamic ages are in consensus that jihad is an absolute obligation [on every individual] if  the enemy lays waste to Muslim countries, and among those who have conveyed that [teaching] are Imam Ibn Qudamah in al-Mughni, Imam al-Kisa'i [i.e. al-Kasani] in Bada'i' [al-Sana'i' fi Tartib al-Shara'i'], al-Qurtubi in his [Quran] commentary, and Sheikh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] in his Ikhtiyarat, [the latter] said: “As for repulsive fighting, it is the strongest form of repelling aggressor against the sanctity [of life] and the religion, and is by consensus necessary. Regarding the aggressive enemy who corrupts the religion and the world, after faith alone, there is nothing more necessary than to repel him.”
We therefore, on that basis and in accordance with the command of God, do issue this fatwa to all Muslims with the following ruling:
That the ruling to kill the Americans and their allies, be they civilian or military, is an absolute obligation on every Muslim who is able, and in whatever country he finds it easy so to do; and to continue until the Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem] and the Sacred Mosque [in Mecca] are liberated from their grasp, and that their armies leave all the land of Islam, flying away, incapable of threatening any Muslim, in accordance with His Exalted word (Q. 9:36): {Fight the idolaters all out, just as they fight you all out}; and His Exalted word (Q. 2:193): {and fight them so that there is no discord, and that religion [belongs] to God [alone].}
And His Exalted word (Q. 4:75): {What is it with you that you do not fight in the way of God, while the weak among [the men,] women and children are saying, "O our Lord, bring us out of this city whose people are oppressors, and grant us a protector from You, and grant us a helper from You”?}
We, if God permits, call on every Muslim who believes in God and desires reward to act in accordance with God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their wealth wherever they find them, and whenever is it possible for them. And we likewise call on the scholars of the Muslims, their leaders, their youth and their soldiers to launch attacks on the soldiers of Satan, the Americans, and whoever are their allies among the Devil's helpers; and, through them, to scare off those behind them, so that they may remember.
God the Exalted has said (Q. 8:24): {O you who believe, respond to God and to His Messenger if he calls you to that which revives you. And know that God passes between a man and his heart, and that you will be gathered before Him.}
His Exalted word (Q. 9:38-39): {O you who believe, when you are told, "March out in the way of God", do you cling heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the worldly life is but little compared to the Hereafter. If you do not march out, He will punish you painfully and replace you with another people; and it will not harm Him in the least. God is Powerful over all things.}
God the Exalted has said (Q. 3:139): {Do not bend [under pressure] or grieve; you will be supreme, if you are believers.}

Note 10: Ibn Qudamah on cheating non-Muslims

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Ibn Qudamah wrote on this issue: “He said: 'Whoever enters enemy territory in safety should not cheat them of their property nor charge them usury.' As for the prohibition on usury in non-Muslim territory, we have mentioned it under 'usury', in addition to God's Exalted word {and He prohibited usury}, along with all verses and hadiths showing that the prohibition of usury is general, in every time and place. Regarding cheating them, it is forbidden because they have granted him safety conditional on his not cheating them, and keeping them safe from his [harm]. Even if it is not verbally stated, nevertheless its meaning is understood. So, if one of them comes and cheats us, he is deemed to have broken his promise. In the same way, we must not cheat them, as that is betrayal, which is not approved in our religion. The Prophet (PBUH) said: 'Muslims [stand] by their undertakings.' So, if he cheats them, or steals from them, or borrows something, it is understood that he is forbidden to take it; so he must return what he took just as if he had taken it from a Muslim.”
قال ابن قدامة في المغني: «مسألة: قال «من دخل إلى أرض العدو بأمان لم يخنهم في مالهم ولم يعاملهم بالربا.» أما تحريم الربا في دار الحرب، فقد ذكرناه في الربا مع أن قول الله تعالى {وحرم الربا} وسائر الآيات والأخبار الدالة على تحريم الربا عامة، تتناول الربا في كل مكان وزمان. وأما خيانتهم فمحرمة لأنهم إنما أعطوه الأمان مشروطا بتركه خيانتهم، وأمنه إياهم من نفسه، وإن لم يكم ذلك مذكورا في اللفظ فهو معلوم في المعنى. ولذلك من جاءنا منهم بأمان فخاننا كان ناقضا لعهده. فإذا ثبت هذا، لم تحل له خيانتهم لأنه غدر، ولا يصلح في ديننا الغدر. وقد قال النبي صلعم: «المسلمون عند شروطهم.» فإن خانهم أو سرق منهم أو اقترض شيئا وجب أخذه على وجه حرم عليه أخذه، فلزمه رد ما أخذ كما لو أخذه من مال مسلم.»

Note 9: Ibn Qudamah on killing non-combatants

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Ibn Qudamah wrote on this issue: “As for the peasant who does not fight you, it is desirable that he should not be killed because of what is reported from Umar al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him), who said: 'Fear God regarding peasants who do not wage war on you.'”
قال ابن قدامة في المغني: فأما الفلاح الذي لا يقاتل فينبغي أن لا يقتل لما روي عن عمر الخطاب رضي الله عنه أنه قال: «اتقوا الله في الفلاحين الذين لا ينصبون لكم الحرب.»