Thursday, 3 January 2013

Note 10: Ibn Qudamah on cheating non-Muslims

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Ibn Qudamah wrote on this issue: “He said: 'Whoever enters enemy territory in safety should not cheat them of their property nor charge them usury.' As for the prohibition on usury in non-Muslim territory, we have mentioned it under 'usury', in addition to God's Exalted word {and He prohibited usury}, along with all verses and hadiths showing that the prohibition of usury is general, in every time and place. Regarding cheating them, it is forbidden because they have granted him safety conditional on his not cheating them, and keeping them safe from his [harm]. Even if it is not verbally stated, nevertheless its meaning is understood. So, if one of them comes and cheats us, he is deemed to have broken his promise. In the same way, we must not cheat them, as that is betrayal, which is not approved in our religion. The Prophet (PBUH) said: 'Muslims [stand] by their undertakings.' So, if he cheats them, or steals from them, or borrows something, it is understood that he is forbidden to take it; so he must return what he took just as if he had taken it from a Muslim.”
قال ابن قدامة في المغني: «مسألة: قال «من دخل إلى أرض العدو بأمان لم يخنهم في مالهم ولم يعاملهم بالربا.» أما تحريم الربا في دار الحرب، فقد ذكرناه في الربا مع أن قول الله تعالى {وحرم الربا} وسائر الآيات والأخبار الدالة على تحريم الربا عامة، تتناول الربا في كل مكان وزمان. وأما خيانتهم فمحرمة لأنهم إنما أعطوه الأمان مشروطا بتركه خيانتهم، وأمنه إياهم من نفسه، وإن لم يكم ذلك مذكورا في اللفظ فهو معلوم في المعنى. ولذلك من جاءنا منهم بأمان فخاننا كان ناقضا لعهده. فإذا ثبت هذا، لم تحل له خيانتهم لأنه غدر، ولا يصلح في ديننا الغدر. وقد قال النبي صلعم: «المسلمون عند شروطهم.» فإن خانهم أو سرق منهم أو اقترض شيئا وجب أخذه على وجه حرم عليه أخذه، فلزمه رد ما أخذ كما لو أخذه من مال مسلم.»

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