Thursday, 3 January 2013

Text of 1998 fatwa in English

Text of the Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad on Jews and Crusaders

Praise be to God, Who sent down the Book, propels the clouds, and routs the [enemy] crowds, and Who said among the clear-cut [verses] of His Book (Q. 9:5): {Then, when the sacred months have past, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, seize them, surround them, lay in wait in every place of ambush}. And blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, who said: "I was sent with a sword before the [Final] Hour, so that God alone would be worshipped. My provision was set under the shadow of my spear, and disgrace and belittlement was set out for whoever goes against my command."
To continue, since God spread out the Arabian Peninsula, and created therein its desert and surrounded it by its seas, it has never been overtaken by a disaster like these Crusader hordes, which have spread through it like locusts, smothering its land, devouring its wealth, and wiping out its vegetation. All that is happening at a time when nations are urging each other on against the Muslims, as the starving fight over a bowl of food. So a moment of great calling is upon us. To survive, we must all, you and us, consider what is behind current events and agree on the best way forward.
No one today disputes three facts, which have been repeated over and over again, and which all fair-minded people agree on. We mention them [here] so that whoever wishes to remember does remember; and so that whoever is to be destroyed is destroyed on the basis of evidence; and so that whoever is ashamed of the evidence remains ashamed. These [facts] are:
First, since they sprang up seven years ago, America is occupying Muslim lands in Jerusalem and its surrounding region and in the Arabian Peninsula, plundering the goodness therein, dictating to its rulers, belittling its people, terrifying its neighbours; and, in its bases within the Arabian Peninsula, it is building a military capability with which to attack the neighbouring Islamic peoples.
If there were those who argued against the reality of this occupation in the past, now all the people of the Peninsula have been forced to acknowledge it. What could be more obvious than the non-stop American hostility against the people of Iraq, launched from the Arabian Peninsula despite the fact that its rulers collectively were against the use of their land for that [purpose]? Yet they were overruled [by the USA].
Second, despite the massive destruction unleashed on the Iraqi people at the hands of the Jewish-Crusader alliance, and despite the appalling number of dead, exceeding one million, despite all that, the Americans are trying to resume these horrific massacres. It is as though they were not satisfied with the long siege after the violent war, nor with division and destruction. So they come today to wipe out what is left of this people and to belittle their Muslim neighbours.
Third, whereas the Americans' aims in these wars are religious and economic, they also serve the little Jewish state, not to mention the occupation of Jerusalem and killing the Muslims there.
Nothing could be clearer than its obsession with destroying Iraq, the strongest of the neighbouring Arab states, and their efforts in dividing all the states of the region, such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Sudan, into little paper mini-states, thus guaranteeing by their  partition and weakness the survival of Israel and the continuing tyrannical Crusader occupation of the Peninsula.
Given that all these crimes and evils represent a declaration of war the Americans against God and His Messenger, and on the Muslims, and given that the scholars among the predecessors and the successors across all Islamic ages are in consensus that jihad is an absolute obligation [on every individual] if  the enemy lays waste to Muslim countries, and among those who have conveyed that [teaching] are Imam Ibn Qudamah in al-Mughni, Imam al-Kisa'i [i.e. al-Kasani] in Bada'i' [al-Sana'i' fi Tartib al-Shara'i'], al-Qurtubi in his [Quran] commentary, and Sheikh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] in his Ikhtiyarat, [the latter] said: “As for repulsive fighting, it is the strongest form of repelling aggressor against the sanctity [of life] and the religion, and is by consensus necessary. Regarding the aggressive enemy who corrupts the religion and the world, after faith alone, there is nothing more necessary than to repel him.”
We therefore, on that basis and in accordance with the command of God, do issue this fatwa to all Muslims with the following ruling:
That the ruling to kill the Americans and their allies, be they civilian or military, is an absolute obligation on every Muslim who is able, and in whatever country he finds it easy so to do; and to continue until the Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem] and the Sacred Mosque [in Mecca] are liberated from their grasp, and that their armies leave all the land of Islam, flying away, incapable of threatening any Muslim, in accordance with His Exalted word (Q. 9:36): {Fight the idolaters all out, just as they fight you all out}; and His Exalted word (Q. 2:193): {and fight them so that there is no discord, and that religion [belongs] to God [alone].}
And His Exalted word (Q. 4:75): {What is it with you that you do not fight in the way of God, while the weak among [the men,] women and children are saying, "O our Lord, bring us out of this city whose people are oppressors, and grant us a protector from You, and grant us a helper from You”?}
We, if God permits, call on every Muslim who believes in God and desires reward to act in accordance with God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their wealth wherever they find them, and whenever is it possible for them. And we likewise call on the scholars of the Muslims, their leaders, their youth and their soldiers to launch attacks on the soldiers of Satan, the Americans, and whoever are their allies among the Devil's helpers; and, through them, to scare off those behind them, so that they may remember.
God the Exalted has said (Q. 8:24): {O you who believe, respond to God and to His Messenger if he calls you to that which revives you. And know that God passes between a man and his heart, and that you will be gathered before Him.}
His Exalted word (Q. 9:38-39): {O you who believe, when you are told, "March out in the way of God", do you cling heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the worldly life is but little compared to the Hereafter. If you do not march out, He will punish you painfully and replace you with another people; and it will not harm Him in the least. God is Powerful over all things.}
God the Exalted has said (Q. 3:139): {Do not bend [under pressure] or grieve; you will be supreme, if you are believers.}

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