Sunday, 6 January 2013

About this blog

"The declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad on Jews and Crusaders” of February 23rd 1998 may yet turn out to have been a dangerous and cynical hoax. However, if we assume that it is genuine, then we have to recognise that the leadership of Al-Qaeda has claimed that it is an absolute duty on each and every one of us to kill, and steal from, Americans and their allies, be they civilian or military, or indeed – as we have seen – Muslim or non-Muslim, whenever and wherever we are able to do so.

The authors of the Declaration want us, as Muslims, to accept their authority and to pledge our allegiance to them. However, we each of us know that there is much disagreement amongst Muslims as to whether what the fatwa states is Sharia-compliant or not. Therefore, before we can decide whether or not to accept their claim to authority over us, we must follow God's advice and refer the matter to the Qur'an and Sunnah (Q. 4:59): {O you who believe, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority amongst you. Then if you disagree on anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day: that is best, and the better outcome.}

Fortunately, the authors of the Declaration itself mention four of the books which they relied on. So, in order to help you reach your own informed opinion on whether to accept the fatwa as orthodox Islamic teaching, or else to reject it as the work of dangerous and misguided extremists, this guide includes relevant, often lengthy, passages in Arabic and English from the works of the great scholars referred to in the Declaration. In addition, questions are provided to stimulate constructive debate amongst the brothers or sisters in your prison or wherever you may be.

This is an important text for Muslims today to understand. My prayer is that, by thinking deeply about it, we will not be losers, but among {... those who believe and do good deeds, and encourage each other with the Truth and encourage each other with patience} (Q. 103:3).

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