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The context of this quotation from Ibn Taymiyah is: “As for repulsive fighting, it is the strongest form of repelling an aggressor against the sanctity [of life] and religion, and it is by consensus necessary. Regarding the aggressive enemy who corrupts religion and the world, after faith alone, there is nothing more necessary than to repel him. Nor is any condition to be imposed, rather he should be repelled to the extent possible. Our fellow scholars and others have stipulated that. So, it is necessary to distinguish between repelling an oppressive disbelieving aggressor and seeking him in his lands [by invasion]. Some jihad is by force, while some is by the heart, da'wah [inviting to Islam], proofs, discussion, giving opinions, planning, and industry.” |
قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية: «وأما قتال الدفع فهو أشد أنواع دفع الصائل عن الحرمة والدين فواجب إجماعا فالعدو الصائل الذي يفسد الدين والدنيا لا شيء أوجب بعد الإيمان من دفعه فلا يشترط له شرط بل يدفع بحسب الإمكان. وقد نص على ذلك العلماء أصحابنا وغيرهم فيجب التفريق بين دفع الصائل الظالم الكافر وبين طلبه في بلاده، والجهاد منه ما هو باليد ومنه ما هو بالقلب والدعوة والحجة واللسان والرأي والتدبير والصناعة فيجب بغاية ما يمكنه.» |
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