Thursday 3 January 2013

Note 7: Imam al-Qurtubi on Q. 9:36

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Imam al-Qurtubi said on this verse: Some of the scholars have said: “The purpose of this verse was directed at individuals; then that was abrogated, and it was made a sufficient [i.e. collective] obligation.” Ibn 'Atiyah said: “What he said is completely unknown in the law of the Prophet (PBUH), that he required the whole community to march forth.
قال الإمام القرطبي في الجامع لأحكام القرآن: قال بعض العلماء: «كان الغرض بهذه الآية قد توجه على الأعيان ثم نسخ ذلك وجعل فرض كفاية.» قال ابن عطية: «وهذا الذي قاله لم يعلم قط من شرع النبي صلعم أنه ألزم الأمة جميعًا النَّفْر.»

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